
Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, How do the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes increase? An experimental evaluation and modeling of the engineering tensile strength of individual carbon nanotubes, Materials Research Express, In press, https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/ab069f

Keiichi Shirasu, Itaru Tamaki, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Mechanical and thermal expansion properties of aligned carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy composites, Mechanical Engineering Journal, In press, doi.org/10.1299/mej.19-00012

Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Yoku Inoue, Toshio Ogasawara, Yoshinobu Shimamura, and Toshiyuki Hashida, Development of large-movements and high-force electrothermal bimorph actuators based on aligned carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy composites, Sensors & Actuators A: Physical, In press. [Link]

Keiichi Shirasu, Takuto Miyaura, Go Yamamoto and Toshiyuki Hashida, Friction and wear properties of carbon nanotube/alumina composites under water lubricated conditions, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Composite Materials, (2017).

Keiichi Shirasu, Itaru Tamaki, Takamichi Miyazaki, Go Yamamoto, Raman Bekarevich, Kaori Hirahara, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue and Toshiyuki Hashida, Key factors limiting carbon nanotube strength: Structural characterization and mechanical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 4 (5), (2017) p.17-00029(11pp). http://doi.org/10.1299/mej.17-00029 [Link]

白須圭一,山本剛,橋田俊之,CNT/エポキシ複合材料を用いた熱バイモルフ,【基礎研究編 ソフトアクチュエータの材料・動力別分類】第5章,実用化に向けたソフトアクチュエータの開発と応用・制御技術,シーエムシー出版 (2017).

玉木格,白須圭一, 宮崎孝道, 山本剛, Raman Bekarevich, 平原佳織, 島村佳伸, 井上翼, 橋田俊之, 多層カーボンナノチューブの強度・破壊特性評価と構造欠陥の影響に関する研究, 日本機械学会論文集, 83 (847), (2017). DOI:10.1299/transjsme.16-00283 [Link]

Keiichi Shirasu,  Akihiro Nakamura, Go Yamamoto, Toshio Ogasawara, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Toshiyuki Hashida, Potential use of CNTs for production of zero thermal expansion coefficient composite materials: An experimental evaluation of axial thermal expansion coefficient of CNTs using a combination of thermal expansion and uniaxial tensile tests, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 95 (2017) 152-160. [Link]

Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, “Application of Aligned Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Polymer Composite to Electrothermal Actuator” in Carbon Nanotubes- Current Progress of their Polymer Composites, edited by Mohamed R. Berber, InTech open access publisher,  375–392 (2016). [Link]

Keiichi Shirasu, Akihiro Nakamura, Go Yamamoto, Toshio Ogasawara, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue and Toshiyuki Hashida, Preparation and Performance Evaluation of Electrothermal Actuators using Aligned Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Epoxy Composites, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 3(4) (2016), DOI:10.1299/mej.15-00607 [Link]

Weiwei Zhou, Go Yamamoto, Yuchi Fan, Hansang Kwon, Toshiyuki Hashida and Akira Kawasaki, In-situ characterization of interfacial shear strength in multi-walled carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum matrix composites, Carbon, 106 (2016) 37-47. [Link]

白須 圭一,中村 彰宏,山本 剛,小笠原 俊夫,島村 佳伸,井上 翼,橋田 俊之,多層カーボンナノチューブにおける軸方向線膨張係数の温度依存性に関する研究(配向カーボンナノチューブ/エポキシ複合材料の線膨張測定に基づく手法),日本機械学会論文集,82(844) (2016),Article No. 16-00228. DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00228  [Link]

Zhonglie An, Liang He, Masaya Toda, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida and Takahito Ono, Microstructuring of carbon nanotubes-nickel nanocomposite, Nanotechnology 26 (2015) 195601 (8pp). [Link]

Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Yo Nozaka, Weili Wang and Toshiyuki Hashida, Relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties in acid-treated carbon nanotube-reinforced alumina composites, Journal of Materials Science, 50, (2015) 6688-6699. [Link]

Weili Wang, Go Yamamoto, Keiichi Shirasu, Yo Nozaka, Toshiyuki Hashida, Effects of processing conditions on microstructure, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of MWCNT/alumina composites prepared by flocculation, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35, (2015) 3903-3908. [Link]

Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Itaru Tamaki, Toshio Ogasawara, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue and Toshiyuki Hashida, Negative axial thermal expansion coefficient of carbon nanotubes: Experimental determination based on measurements of coefficient of thermal expansion for aligned carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy composites, Carbon, 95, (2015) 904-909. [Link]

山本剛,白須圭一,野坂陽,Weili Wang,橋田俊之,”CNT/セラミックス複合材料の研究・開発動向”,カーボンナノチューブ・グラフェン分散技術の工業化と機能展開 – 溶液・ポリマー・金属・セラミックスへの分散 –,S&T出版株式会社,(2014),pp. 60-67.

Go Yamamoto, Keiichi Shirasu, Yo Nozaka, Yoshinori Sato, Toshiyuki Takagi, Toshiyuki Hashida , Structure–property relationships in thermally-annealed multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Carbon 66, 219-226 (2014).[Link]

山本剛 ,白須圭一,野坂陽,大森守,高木敏行,橋田俊之,カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の機械的特性に及ぼすカーボンナノチューブ表面修飾の影響に関する研究,日本機械学会論文集A編,78,843-854 (2012). [PDF]

白須圭一,山本剛,野坂陽,大森守,橋田俊之,”カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の破壊特性に及ぼすカーボンナノチューブのアニール処理の影響”,日本機械学会論文集A編79, No. 802, (2013), pp. 706-710.[Link]

野坂陽,山本剛,白須圭一,大森守,高木敏行,橋田俊之,”常圧焼成法により作製したカーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の機械的特性および微視組織評価に関する研究”,日本機械学会論文集A編, 79, No. 802, (2013), pp. 764-768.[Link]

Go Yamamoto, Sen Liu, Ning Hu, Toshiyuki Hashida, Yaolu Liu, Cheng Yan, Prediction of Pull-out Force of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT) in Sword-in-sheath Mode, Computational Materials Science 60, 7-12 (2012). [PDF] [Link]

Yoshinori Sato, Hikaru Nishizaka, Shunichi Sawano, Atsushi Yoshinaka, Kazutaka Hirano, Shinji Hashiguchi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hisamichi Kimura, Kenichi Motomiya, Kazuyuki Tohji, Influence of the structure of the nanotube on the mechanical properties of binder-free multi-walled carbon nanotube solids, Carbon 50, 34-39 (2012). [PDF] [Link]

Yoshinori Sato, Hikaru Nishizaka, Kenichi Motomiya, Go Yamamoto, Akira Okubo, Hisamichi Kimura, Mikio Ishikuro, Kazuaki Wagatsuma, Toshiyuki Hashida, Kazuyuki Tohji, Boron-Assisted Transformation to Rod-Like Graphitic Carbons from Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Boron-Mixed Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Solids, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 3, 2431-2439 (2011). [PDF] [Link]

Sen Liu, Ning Hu, Go Yamamoto, Yindi Cai, Yajun Zhang, Yaolu Liu, Yuan Li, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hisao Fukunaga, Investigation on CNT/alumina interface properties using molecular mechanics simulations, Carbon 49, 3701-3704 (2011). [PDF] [Link]

G. Yamamoto, K. Shirasu, T. Hashida, T. Takagi, J.W. Suk, J. An, R.D. Piner and R.S. Ruoff, Nanotube fracture during the failure of carbon nanotube/alumina composites, Carbon, 49, 3709 (2011). [PDF] [Link]

白須圭一,山本剛,高木敏行,橋田俊之 ,カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の作製と破壊機構の解明に関する研究,日本機械学会論文集A編,77,1041-1045 (2011). [PDF]

白須圭一,山本剛,大森守,相沢養市,橋田俊之,カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の強度特性に及ぼすカーボンナノチューブ表面修飾の影響と破壊過程に関する研究,日本機械学会論文集A編77, 774 (2011). [PDF]

山本剛 ,白須圭一,高木敏行,橋田俊之,単繊維引抜き試験によるカーボンナノチューブ/アルミな複合材料のクラックブリッジング挙動特性評価,日本機械学会論文集A編77,779-783 (2011). [PDF]

Yuan Li, Ning Hu, Go Yamamoto, Zhongchang Wang, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hiroshi Asanuma, Chensong Dong, Tomonaga Okabe, Masahiro Arai, Hisao Fukunaga, Molecular mechanics simulation of the sliding behavior between nested walls in a multi-walled carbon nanotube, Carbon 48, 2934-2940 (2010). [PDF] [Link]

山本剛,大森守,相沢養一,橋田俊之,高木敏行,ナノ界面制御によるカーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の作製とその機械的特性評価,日本機械学会論文集A編76, 54 (2010). [PDF]

G. Yamamoto, J.W. Suk, J. An, R.D. Piner, T. Hashida, T. Takagi and R.S. Ruoff, The influence of nanoscale defects on the fracture of multi-walled carbon nanotubes under the tensile loading, Diamond & Related Materials, 19, 748 (2010). [PDF]

G. Yamamoto, M. Omori, T. Hashida and H. Kimura, A novel structure for carbon nanotube reinforced alumina composites with improved mechanical properties, Nanotechnology, 19, 315708 (2008). [PDF]

G. Yamamoto, M. Omori, K. Yokomizo, T. Hashida and K. Adachi, Structural characterization and frictional properties of carbon nanotube/alumina composites prepared by precursor method, Materials Science and Engineering B, 148, 265 (2008). [PDF]

G. Yamamoto, M. Omori, K. Yokomizo and T. Hashida, Mechanical properties and structural characterization of carbon nanotube/alumina composites prepared by precursor method, Diamond and Related Materials, 17, 1554 (2008). [PDF]